Bouguet Liliies and Roses pink - White View larger

Bouguet Liliies and Roses pink - White


Bouquet of lily, 6 pink roses - 3 Chrysanthemum white and various foliage.

Flower delivery from Florist in Greece. ( Real flowershop in Greece! )

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Bouquet of lilies, roses pink - white various foliage.

Flower delivery from Florist in Greece. ( Real flowershop in Greece! )

Same day flower delivery.


Debbie P 07/04/2017

Ordered flowers from Australia

My cousin lost her husband and I wanted to send her some flowers. I live in Australia and had no idea where to order flowers on-line, so I googled flower shops in her suburb and this flower shop appeared in my google search. I ordered the flowers on-line and my cousin got them on the same day. Very professional, great service, easy to read and follow website. Thank you so much you made my experience seamless.

  • 2 out of 3 people found this review useful.

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Bouguet Liliies and Roses pink - White

Bouguet Liliies and Roses pink - White

Bouquet of lily, 6 pink roses - 3 Chrysanthemum white and various foliage.

Flower delivery from Florist in Greece. ( Real flowershop in Greece! )

Same day flower delivery.

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