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Phalaenopsis Orchid mini - Varius colour


Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant. An elegant plant with delicate flowers, surprisingly long lasting. Phalaenopsis Orchid.. perfect Gift.

  • Height 30cm


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Greece country has its own unique floristry style, enhancing the beauty of flowers, many of which are grown indigenously.

We try to show you the style of gifts available, the flower content and style to ensure we deliver the very best gift we can. For same day delivery Monday - Saturday, please place your order by 15 pm Greek time zone.

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Phalaenopsis orchid

Phalaenopsis orchid repot when the plant grows too large for its pot or as soon as you see the potting medium starting to degrade. Rotten medium retains moisture for too long a period and will quickly cause root loss. Use a nice open potting mix designed for Phalaenopsis orchids. No potting soil, for it packs too tightly and will suffocate the roots.

Phalaenopsis orchid blooms and ease of culture make Phalaenopsis orchid a good choice for a beginner orchid plant.


Phalaenopsis orchid  Light requirements are easily met in the home for Phalaenopsis orchid Phalaenopsis blooming in a South to Southeastern exposure window that receives a minimum of four hours of indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves. Light is one of the most important factors in initiating flower spikes with your Phalaenopsis orchid and they should receive enough light so that the leaves fade slightly from the rich green color seen in the leaves of many house plants.


Phalaenopsis orchid appreciate humidity and additional humidity can be achieved by placing them on a tray of moist gravel. Misting the roots can also be helpful during extremely dry situations. A cool air humidifier is a welcome companion for Phalaenopsis orchids.


Phalaenopsis orchid should be watered thoroughly and not again until the medium is almost dry. Right after watering lift your pot and feel the weight of the plant and the freshly watered medium. As the medium dries your pot will become much lighter and you will eventually get a feel for the weight your pot becomes at watering time. An alternative method to determine if your pot needs watering would be to push your finger or a pencil into the potting medium. Phalaenopsis orchid If either comes out wet or more than just slightly damp, then do not water. When almost dry, totally saturate the medium. If the roots and the medium stay continually wet then the roots will rot and the medium will break down much faster and require changing more often.


Phalaenopsis orchid remember to water only the medium and not the center (crown) of your plant. Water sitting in the crown can cause crown rot and is actually the water rotting the center of your plant. Eventually it will be unable to produce more leaves. The outcome is a slow death.


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Phalaenopsis Orchid mini - Varius colour

Phalaenopsis Orchid mini - Varius colour

Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant. An elegant plant with delicate flowers, surprisingly long lasting. Phalaenopsis Orchid.. perfect Gift.

  • Height 30cm

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